is listed under the ChinaKidz. It is a UK based and registered Christian charity, with another office in Victoria, Australia, It was founded in 2006 by Alan & Lyn Gould to support their work in orphanages in China. Since 2004 they have been developing & running palliative care units in state run orphanages and now want to extend that care to families with dying children to try and prevent them abandoning the child. It is China's first dedicated Children's Hospice and community palliative car service. It opened in April, 2010 in Changsha (Hunan Province). It is an exciting and groundbreaking project in China; even in many other parts of the world children's hospice services are not available. When they are fully open they will look after 18 dying abandoned babies/children, and then open a second home of offer hospice and the above care to families with dying children.
Now for the personal....Lyn and her husband (we didn't get to meet him since he was down with a stomach virus) are truly an inspiration from God for these children. Not all of the 13 children in their care are dying. Some just have very serious illnesses that if not treated, will end in death. Lyn and the nannies and workers here provide comfort and love to these little ones who wouldn't have it otherwise. They struggle to do all they can with the little monies they have and do a tremendous job. If you feel led to support their agency, please contact them at the address above.
Personally my heart was broken with the very first little guy I was introduced, Ishmael. He is there because of liver failure. He still can send a weak laugh, eat when fed, and give you contact with his eyes, communicating with knowledge and curiosity. There is another little girl, I believe her name was Elizabeth, with the same liver failure, but she is still lively and has such a spicy spirit. Carmen connected with a little 4 year old girl named Hannah. She has a blood disorder and has frequent blood transfusions to keep her going. She was adorable, loved to play "catch me if you can", with barbies and was astonished at how big Tim's shoes were! : ) Tim was such the sport, we were required to wear plastic booties over our shoes, nanny aprons and wash very thoroughly so we didn't bring germs to the little ones. Tim's apron was the only pink one though!
Here are photos that show more than I can begin to explain the children. The little girl, Angel (in the hat), that you see will be going to her adoptive family and we brought along gifts to her from her USA momma. If the video loads correctly, you will see her crawling.

Thanks for sharing this news, we feel very encouraged and not alone, visitors make a difference to us. Thanks for the gifts, they will help save lives, may you never stop telling others what you did....Thanks and sorry to have missed you Alan